What do the terms fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement mean?
  • Fraud is the misrepresentation of a material fact in order to obtain a payment or benefit.
  • Waste is negligent or extravagant expenditure of County funds or incurring of expenses, or misuse of County resources or property.
  • Abuse is the intentional wrongful or improper use of County resources, which can include the excessive or improper use of a person’s County position, in a manner contrary to its rightful or legally intended use.
  • Mismanagement is when management action – or inaction – could adversely impact the County’s operations, programs, projects or funds or grossly deviates from the standard of care or competence that a reasonable person would follow.

Show All Answers

1. Who may file a complaint with the OIG?
2. What kind of complaints does the OIG investigate?
3. Does the OIG investigate individuals or companies that conduct business with the County?
4. How do I file a complaint with the OIG?
5. Can I request that my identity be kept confidential?
6. Do I have to identify myself if I make a complaint to the OIG?
7. What information should I include in my complaint?
8. What should I do if I acquire more information after I have submitted a complaint?
9. What do the terms fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement mean?
10. What is an example of a conflict-of-interest?
11. What is an example of fraud?
12. What is an example of waste?
13. What is an example of misconduct?
14. What is an example of abuse?