Were you impacted by the most recent Severe Weather Storm ?
The link below will bring you to the SELF-REPORTING DAMAGE TOOL for damage sustained as a result of the Rain/Flooding. Filing out this form does not guarantee any type of assistance from the State or Federal government. County homeowners and small business owners are encouraged to fill out this damage assessment tool as it will help to determine whether the Nassau County and NYS reach the thresholds necessary for Federal disaster assistance for direct relief for individuals, homeowners, and small businesses.
As more information is received available, the Recovery Resources site will be updated.
When filling out the form, be specific about your damage causes; photos of damages are strongly encouraged
- Did you experience wind damage?
- Do you have any down trees?
- Where did they fall?
- Did you experience flooding?
- On the first floor or in the basement?
- How much flooding was there? (3 inches, 3 feet, etc.)
- What appliances have been damaged?
- What structural damage occurred?
PRIVACY NOTICE: By continuing, I acknowledge that any information submitted will be shared with other government agencies (Federal, State, and City), their contractors, subcontractors, and employees for official use only.