Data & Research Resources

The Nassau County Department of Health Division of Epidemiology and Planning supports the collection and dissemination of health data for public health research and education. Phone: (516) 227-9664

Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The 2022-2024 Community Health Assessment (CHA) and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) are comprehensive reports of the health status of Nassau County that contains the most recently available data with analysis and narrative: Nassau County DOH CHA_CHIP 2022-2024. The Nassau County Work Plan reflects collaborative efforts to address selected NYS Prevention Agenda strategies: Nassau County CHIP Work Plan 2022-2024.

To access the Long Island Community Health Assessment survey, click here Headline.

Data Dashboards:

Dashboards offer a means of visualizing data in public health that can highlight important patterns, guide quality-improvement efforts, and improve health outcomes.


The below dashboards are currently unavailable. Click below to learn more.

Cannabis Dashboard.pngRespiratory DashboardHeat Dashboard

Story Maps:

Story maps are interactive online tools that combine maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to tell engaging stories about public health in our community. They help us visualize data on topics like disease prevalence, demographic information, and environmental factors, making complex information easy to understand. By exploring our story maps, you can gain valuable insights into local health issues. 

Annual Reports:

Alcohol Use:





Tickborne Diseases

Tuberculosis Reports:

Demographic Data

US Census ­- The Census Bureau of the United States Department of Commerce is the single most comprehensive source of demographic, social and economic data for US populations. Information can be obtained down to the zip code and census tract level. Enter the site at Census website . For easy access to commonly requested state and county data, use the "State & County Quick Facts" drop-down menu on the right side of the home page. For more detailed local information, click on "Your Gateway to Census 2000" at the top of the page. Follow the links from "American FactFinder" to "Data Sets". For the data set in which you are interested, choose "Custom Table". Zip-code level data is available under the "geo within geo" tab. Choose "Show me all 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Areas" from the first drop-down menu and follow the prompts.

Health Data

Long Island Health Collaborative - The Long Island Health Collaborative is a partnership of Long Island's hospitals, county health departments, health providers, community-based social and human service organizations, academic institutions, health plans, local government, and the business sector, all engaged in improving the health of Long Islanders. Additional data resources pertaining to Nassau County, Long Island can be accessed through this website under the Member Resources tab. Health Collaboration Website

CDC WONDER - The Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemologic Research (WONDER) site provides a single point of access to the many public health reports and data sets prepared and maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC). Subjects include leading causes of death, health risk behaviors, injury control and occupational health. Most data is on the national level, but state and some limited local data is available. CDC Wonder Website.

Disease Information Websites

The New York State Department of Health homepage offers access to state and local health information. Choose "Info for Researchers" from the menu along the left side of the page. From here you may choose your area of interest. The "County Health Indicator Profiles" link will provide access to tables of health data at the county level. The "Cancer Surveillance Improvement Initiative" button will link you to zip-code level cancer incidence tables and maps. The "Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS)" refers to hospitalization data. "Vital Statistics" refers to birth and death data. New York State Health Website

The following are examples of the many disease-specific sites on the internet.

Alzheimer's Disease: The Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center supplies information, research, and publications about Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center Website

Asthma: The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology offers both patient and professional information as well as physician referrals. American Academy of Allergy Asthma Website

Cancer: The US Food and Drug Administration offers a list of facilities that provide mammography which are certified as meeting baseline quality standards. The list is searchable by area or zip code. US Food and Drug Administration Website

Heart Disease: The American Heart Association provides links to warning signs of heart disease and stroke, professional data, information on CPR training, and advice on healthy lifestyles. American Heart Association Website

The National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEplus has "extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 600 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia, a medical dictionary and health information in Spanish." National Library of Medicine's Website

Research and Public Health Organization Websites

Resources For Community Engagement

Nassau County Department of Health understands the importance of engaging the communities in which it works. As part of this commitment, NCDOH shares such resources with other organizations and community members, so as to enable all members of the populous to take charge of their own health. Provided below are resources for community engagement. In addition, departmental liaisons with expertise in community-engaged public health are available for consultation. The general contact information for these liaisons is listed below.

Centers for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: "Principles of Community Engagement," available in both English and Spanish

Centers for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Public Health Institute: Center for Collaborative Planning

Collaboration for Impact: "The Collective Impact Framework"


Other Resources and Planning Methods



The New York State Association of County Health Officials (NYSACHO) serves as an advocate for public health in New York State and provides education and training programs. New York State Association of County Health Officials Website


The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report contains provisional health data based on weekly reports submitted by state health departments. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Website


The National Library of Medicine's PubMed provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations some of which provide full text articles. National Library of Medicine's PubMed Website

Before You Begin

Before researching health data, it helps to define your goals, needs and resources. This initial work will make your efforts more focused, efficient and productive. The following 3 questions are based on a much more comprehensive treatment of the subject that can be found in the Community Toolbox, which is part of the Turning Point Initiative of the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. (Robert Woods Johnson Foundation)

  1. What is the value and purpose of the information that you will collect? Why, exactly, does your group need this information? How will you use it?
  2. What, exactly, do you want to know? In what diseases, causes of death, risk factors or health-related behaviors are you interested? Are you just looking for statistics, or do you want to collect some qualitative information as well? Are you interested in incidence rates, or prevalence rates, or both? Over how long a period of time?
  3. How much information do you want to collect? Set limits on how much data you will collect. Consider who will have to find this information and whether they have enough time and resources to complete the task.

Once you've defined your search, you may be able to obtain information and assistance from your local reference librarian, chambers of commerce, and non-profit agencies such as the United Way, Planned Parenthood and the United Healthcare Fund.