Events and Daily Schedules

Daily Pool SchedulesSlideshow of pool images

Various sections or lanes in the pool may close for swim teams,groups, classes or swim meets throughout the day at the Aquatic Center. The detailed daily schedules below provide information regarding such closure.

  1. Sun, Feb 16

  2. Mon, Feb 17

  3. Tue, Feb 18

  4. Wed, Feb 19

  1. Thu, Feb 20

  2. Fri, Feb 21

  3. Sat, Feb 22

  4. Sun, Feb 23

View All

Please note that all schedules are subject to change.

Monthly Pool Setup Schedule 

The lane setup at the Aquatic Center can change from day to day or from week to week. Usually, the pool is set up with 50-meter lanes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday night, the pool usually changes to a 25-meter or 25-yard lane setup for the rest of the week and weekend. However, the setup schedule may change from its usual pattern due to a scheduled event at the Aquatic Center.

Upcoming Events & Closings CalendarThe Nassau County Aquatic Center regularly hosts swimming and diving events ranging from local high school meets to NCAA meets and professional events; it has also been the site of numerous record-setting performances. Dozens of Olympians have competed at the Aquatic Center, including this era's most celebrated swimmer, Michael Phelps.

From time to time, the pool does close during some of the events, but in most instances the facility is large enough to accommodate the competitive swimmers and the public in separate sections of the pool. However, parking and/or pool space may be limited during these events.

Upcoming Events and Closings