The Job Development Center is the unit of the commission devoted to assisting residents of the county to find employment. It is the aim of the Job Development Center to assist all residents, with emphasis on minority group members, in achieving this goal. The center also refers applicants to job training, alerts the community to upcoming Civil Service examinations and county job opportunities. The Job Development Center cooperates with the Minority Affairs,Office of Women's Services, Office of Hispanic Affairs, and the Office of Veteran's Affairs in providing services to County residents.
It has been found that equal and meaningful employment opportunity is beneficial to the entire community. The employer gains a worker geared to their needs and willing to stay on the job because opportunities are truly open to the employee. The community benefits from the stabilizing effects of gainfully employed citizens and an increased tax base. The Center seeks to ensure the continued cooperation of labor, industry and other interested parties in providing the community with meaningful, open-ended job opportunities.

Additional Information
For further assistance please call (516) 571-3662 or come to the office at
240 Old Country Road
Room 606
Mineola, NY 11501